The exposed principles are quite legitimate as they define what a responsible employee in a responsible company should do.
Responsible company ?
We face very opaque compliance protocols, as employee reps cannot control the ethics alerts nor allow any investigation rights on non compliances issues.
The company refuses to answer any questions regarding offshore operations, non compliance alerts.
Very strict SEC requierements are to be enforced to guarantee governance rules in terms of corruption, local law compliance, fair treatement and reporting.
We feel the lack of a World Wide Employee Works council independant control is a very important flaw, and we feel dangerous operations could still be conducted, "under the radar screen" in confined areas of huge corporations like Oracle.
Let's not forget Delaware, Cayman Islands, Mauritus, Luxembourg operations actually beeing run by Oracle - Who is in charge of controlling what's been done there ?
Are shareholders and employees to be proud of those covert operations ?
CFDT Oracle Labor union requests a worldwide employee governance model that enforces long term operations, fully compliant in any area of the company.
You want discuss, you have doubts about ethics management, you wish to submit a whisleblowing alert thought us, we'll help.
Read more : Secrecy Juridictions, Tax Justice Network, Sarbanes Oxley Structural Model by R. Moberly,
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